Monday, August 2, 2010

Charities and cold calling

In the last two days I have strangely received a couple of marketing calls from some well known NGO brands. 

Anyway,the purpose of this post is to express my displeasure with such cold calls that subtly want to remind individuals of their social responsibility. I understand their pressures to raise donations, but I don't really agree with the concept of cold calling, insensitivity and  stating a  minimum amount that can be contributed apart from  subtly trying to induce a certain amount of guilt when rejected,hoping it can be converted to a financial commitment.

No doubt their causes are admirable, but their approach is something that has left a bad taste for me.Am sure there are better and classier ways to market their brands and solicit contributions for their noble pursuits rather than imitating our credit card companies and their tele callers.

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