Sunday, August 1, 2010

Second could yet win the race

Wonder in general why brands especially in the consumer electronic business are always in a hurry to be the first to introduce a product into the market just for the sake of being the 'First' hoping they could be market leaders, without thoroughly testing their launches for glitches and problems.

A customer is keen to get his hands on the snazzily marketed new 'first' that promises the best specs, game changing user experiences ,cutting edge design, etc and then ...once its out and, after the initial euphoria he notices that there are quite a few glitches that just dampen the ownership experience. Its no more a special feeling. It does affect one's trust with the brand and, in some cases could lead to brand rejection.The potential fall out of which is negative word of mouth publicity with his peer group.

At times its better to be patient,sort out the chinks in the armour and offer a robust,stable and memorable brand experience that builds not only trust but brand affection.Second could be first!

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