Thursday, October 21, 2010

Worth the wait!

Was strolling around Mantri Mall one busy weekday evening and this experiential marketing kiosk got my attention.There's an insight in it somewhere I guess.

People were lining up unmindful of having to wait at least of 10 minutes to get a chance to experience 3D on TV, whereas waiting in a line at a super market or ticketing counter for more than 5 minutes gets them impatient and irritated.

Boy is that good for any brand? I sure would say so... As a brand manager I would give an arm, if folks would take ten minutes off their busy weekday evenings to check out my latest product.

30 second spots to drive in awareness, and 10 mins of experiential could land you a customer or convert! Not bad at all is it?

Guess people are always on the look out to experience something new and if its worth it, they will give you their time without any hesitation.


  1. Go to any TV sales showroom, you can watch a full movie on 3D on the TV they have there for show. So, the good thing about this branding is perhaps the place than the product :)

  2. Yep the place as well as the unique design and placement of the Kiosk right at the entrance sets it apart getting the attention of the curious.
