Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What is branding??

Everyday I ask myself this question and everyday I hope to discover something new to complete the answer. As days go by I am sure the posts that I add will be related to answering this question.

I see that lots of companies be it ad agencies or mgmnt consultancies making a huge cry for brand strategy and the brandingimperative and in the process setting up dedicated units to cater to the same.It's like the flavour of the season. I wonder if they do understand the role of branding and the realms that branding can extend into in an organisation.

If one company redoes it's logo and make a huge cry of the so called branding exercise..competitors feel threatened and decide it is time we did the same...the me too mentality as we call it.The snazzy 2.0 version.

Branding is not just a cool logo, or attractive colors or even great packaging.It's also not about a catchy tag line!! While these are important they are just the tip of the iceberg, the portion that is visible to the world. For me branding in this decade and the ones to come, is about the substantial portion of the iceberg that is not visible and is hidden to the eye. The portion that can potentially sink your company's ship.

Consulting in my opinion is bridging or merging the bigger picture with ground reality. It's about finding the right proportions of the two, to find solutions that add value and create meaning for the customer

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